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Shopping for growth in Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund



Thrivent fund manager - Lauri Brunner

Lauri Brunner is a self-described mall rat who spends her idle hours touring America’s retail outlets in search of trends, customer traffic and buying activity.

“Over the years, I’ve visited thousands of stores,” said Brunner, the senior portfolio manager of Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund (THLCX). “And as I walk through a store, I’m constantly counting and tabulating—how many people are at the front of the store, how many are at the registers, how many people are working the register, how deep are the lines.”

Ironically, however, Brunner is no fan of the retail sector. In fact, when she came to Thrivent as an analyst in 2007, her first recommendation was to dump the brick-and-mortar retail holdings.

“I said, ‘Sell everything you’ve got within the retail sector because there are too many stores in the U.S. Everything’s full, sales are slowing, inventory is too high and we don’t need companies to build any more stores.’ I suggested we only invest in retailers that stopped store growth and focused instead on operations—better stores, not more stores.”

But there was one retailer she pushed persistently— “I don’t know if I will find another company that I admire as much as Amazon. I think it’s truly a unique company. Once you recognize a company of that caliber and potential—and certainly revenue growth potential—a company that is participating in multiple very large industries, you invest and stay invested, and you don’t let anything distract you.”

Since Thrivent made its first purchase of Amazon on July 24, 2007, the stock price has increased by 4,865% through Feb. 2, 2024. At the same time period, the S&P 500® Index has returned 228%.1

Swim your own race

After Brunner was promoted from retail analyst to portfolio manager of Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund in 2018, she leaned heavily on a guiding philosophy that was first suggested to her by her high school swimming coach: “Swim your own race.”

“I’ve always thought about that principle through the years and what it means to go out and do what you’re trained to do. Act on your principles and invest your way rather than focusing on the competition and what’s happening around you. Continue to dig deeper on the concepts you know.”

With about 50 holdings in her large cap fund, Brunner has had the luxury of being very selective. “We have the opportunity to go deep on names and conduct extensive research on companies. We know our companies from top to bottom and bottom to top. So, we have the confidence to take large active bets on the companies we like.”

Brunner spends most of her time focusing on the mega-cap companies—those that are about $1 trillion in value or more. “We have two touch points with our analysts, names we own and new ideas. We want to understand what’s driving companies, what’s driving revenue growth, what’s changing, what divisions are leading the growth and which ones are contributors to growth.”

Head in the cloud

Brunner is particularly interested in companies involved in cloud technology, including Amazon, Google (now called Alphabet) and Microsoft. “The common theme for those names is a shift to the cloud,” she explained. “Globally, that has represented a multi-decade shift in information technology spending. We are in the second decade of that shift. Not only does this involve outsourcing to cloud providers, but it also involves software running the business that is being modernized and updated, which is also supported by the cloud.

“The companies providing the backbone in this cloud service—Amazon, Google and Microsoft—have years of double-digit revenue growth ahead of them,” she added. “And that’s, in part, why we’re optimistic about large cap growth companies.”

Another name that also captured her attention in recent years was NVIDIA, a large semiconductor manufacturer.

Gauging future growth

In selecting stocks for the portfolio, Brunner considers a factor known as target addressable marketplaces (TAM). “What we try to determine is ‘how big is the sandbox where the company is building its business?’ That helps us frame how long the revenue growth runway is for a company. For Amazon, we determined early on that the revenue growth runway was going to be a multi-decade event.”

She saw a similar growth horizon for Apple. “We’re at the half decade point and hoping it can be a full decade of growth of revenues above the market.”

Brunner not only takes into consideration the current operations of a company, but also its future expansion potential. “How could the company launch initiatives that would help it pursue a larger marketplace?”

While her sell strategy is a work in progress, it often boils down to determining which stocks would be the best to unload when she finds promising new names to add to the fund. One factor that comes into play is risk metrics. “As we add new names to the fund, the risk metrics may change. If we’re in a position where we have names that we consider risk diversifiers and we want to add more risk to the fund, we may sell some other names.”

Brunner believes the biggest risk to the large cap growth market occurs when companies across the board are experiencing solid earnings or revenue growth. “When investors can find growth everywhere, you could argue that we’re in a market geared to value investors, and that can be a risk to the large cap growth category. We tend to do best when growth—especially revenue growth—is scarce for large cap companies.”

It's times like those when Brunner is willing to shop around to add a few value stocks to her growth stock fund. And shopping for bargains is something Brunner knows a thing or two about.

To learn more, see Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund.

1 Source: Factset

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

All information and representations herein are as of 02/05/2024, unless otherwise noted.

The views expressed are as of the date given, may change as market or other conditions change, and may differ from views expressed by other Thrivent Asset Management, LLC associates. Actual investment decisions made by Thrivent Asset Management, LLC will not necessarily reflect the views expressed. This information should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or product. Investment decisions should always be made based on an investor’s specific financial needs, objectives, goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance.

This article refers to specific securities which Thrivent Mutual Funds may own. A complete listing of the holdings for each of the Thrivent Mutual Funds is available on Here are the top 10 holdings of the Fund, including percent of total assets as of November 30, 2023: Microsoft Corporation, 10.91%,, Inc., 7.53%, Alphabet, Inc., Class C, 6.55%, NVIDIA Corp., 5.53%, Meta Platforms, Inc., 3.66%, Apple, Inc., 3.61%, Tesla, Inc., 2.85%, ServiceNow, Inc., 2.69%, UnitedHealthGroup, Inc., 2.49%, and Home Depot, Inc., 2.41%.

Large companies may be unable to respond quickly to new competitive challenges and may not be able to attain a high growth rate. The Fund’s value is influenced by a number of factors, including the performance of the broader market and risks specific to the Fund’s asset classes, investment styles, and issuers. Foreign investments involve additional risks, such as currency fluctuations and political, economic and market instability. The Adviser’s assessment of investments may prove incorrect, resulting in losses or poor performance. Securities markets generally tend to move in cycles with periods when security prices rise and periods when security prices decline. A non-diversified portfolio is generally more susceptible to the risk that events or developments affecting a particular issuer or industry will significantly affect performance results. Common stocks of companies that rely extensively on technology, science or communications in their product development or operations may be more volatile than the overall stock market and may or may not move in tandem with the overall stock market. These and other risks are described in the prospectus.

Learn about Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund

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