Important information to guide you and your clients through tax season.
The tax deadline for filing individual 2024 IRS Federal Tax Returns and IRA contributions is April 15, 2025. State filing deadlines may vary. Check with the state's Department of Revenue for state filing updates. Some states affected by disasters may have later tax filing deadlines.
Make final contributions for 2024
Any contribution made to a Traditional or Roth IRA or a Coverdell Education Savings Account on or before April 15, 2025 can be made for 2024 as long you indicate that is for the 2024 tax year. Maximum contribution for Traditional and Roth IRAs: $7,000 (plus a $1,000 "catch up" contribution if your client is 50 or older).
Taxes and tax returns are generally due unless you file for an extension
If your clients won’t make the April 15, 2025 due date for filing 2024 taxes, they can file for an extension by that date. If you request a personal extension for after April 15, 2025 this does not extend the deadline for payment of taxes owed and for making IRA or Coverdell Education Savings Account contribution for 2024. For more information visit the IRS.
Tax Form mail date information for accounts held directly with Thrivent Mutual Funds
The 5498 and/or 1099 will generally be mailed by January 31. Clients can access it online through their accounts. For Thrivent Mutual Funds that invest in REITs (real estate investment trusts), forms will be mailed and available online mid-February.
IRS form 5498 Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA) reporting contributions for the previous year will be mailed by April 30. If your client made Traditional or Roth IRA contributions for 2024 in 2025, IRS Form 5498 will be mailed by May 31.
Below are the capital gains paid by Thrivent Mutual Funds in 2024. If a Fund is not listed, there were no capital gains distributed for the Fund. Dividends and capital gain distributions earned in qualified retirement accounts are not taxable unless paid directly to you in cash.
Thrivent Mutual Fund | Record Date | Payment Date | Short-Term Capital Gain (Per Share) |
Long-Term Capital Gain (Per Share) |
Total Capital Dividend Rate (Per Share) |
Thrivent Mutual Fund | Record Date | Payment Date | Short-Term Capital Gain (Per Share) |
Long-Term Capital Gain (Per Share) |
Total Capital Dividend Rate (Per Share) |
Aggressive Allocation Fund |
12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.28483 | $0.97428 |
$1.25911 |
Balanced Income Plus Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $ - | $0.24678 | $0.24678 |
Global Stock Fund |
12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.67534 | $2.17064 | $2.84598 |
Large Cap Growth Fund |
12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.27399 | $1.03670 | $1.31069 |
Large Cap Value Fund |
12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.20195 | $1.93133 | $2.13328 |
Mid Cap Stock Fund |
12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $ - | $1.33794 | $1.33794 |
Mid Cap Value Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $ - | $0.92246 | $0.92246 |
Moderate Allocation Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.19287 | $0.59057 | $0.78344 |
Moderately Aggressive Allocation Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $0.19127 | $0.64580 | $0.83707 |
Moderately Conservative Allocation Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $ - | $0.04265 | $0.04265 |
Small Cap Stock Fund | 12/11/2024 | 12/12/2024 | $ - | $0.42856 | $0.42856 |
Most distributions received from Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund or Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund are taxable at the state level. Some states do not tax their own residents on interest attributed to municipal securities issued by that state. Clients may be able to exclude the appropriate percentage—as shown in the chart below—of the tax-exempt income received from the Fund when calculating state income tax.
Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund information by state for 2024
State | % of dividends & state-specific information |
State | % of dividends & state-specific information |
ALABAMA | 1.46% |
ALASKA | 0.02% |
ARIZONA | 2.61% |
ARKANSAS | 0.13% |
CALIFORNIA | 6.54% |
COLORADO | 4.01% |
DELAWARE | 0.42% |
FLORIDA | 5.40% |
GEORGIA | 1.95% |
GUAM | 0.08% |
HAWAII | 0.25% |
IDAHO | 0.48% |
ILLINOIS | 5.05% |
INDIANA | 1.36% For Indiana residents, 10% of the dividends from the Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund are attributable to other U.S. states’ municipal bonds acquired before 1/1/2012. |
IOWA | 0.97% |
KANSAS | 0.47% |
KENTUCKY | 0.82% |
LOUISIANA | 0.83% |
MAINE | 0.05% |
MARYLAND | 0.73% |
MICHIGAN | 3.19% |
MINNESOTA | 4.47% Minnesota Residents: 100% of your federal tax-exempt dividends for this fund are subject to Minnesota Income Tax. |
MISSOURI | 1.17% |
MONTANA | 0.54% |
NEBRASKA | 1.51% |
NEVADA | 0.55% |
NEW JERSEY | 3.05% |
NEW YORK | 8.60% |
NORTH DAKOTA | 0.52% |
OHIO | 4.24% |
OKLAHOMA | 0.90% |
OREGON | 1.67% |
0.61% |
SOUTH DAKOTA | 0.12% |
TENNESSEE | 0.17% |
TEXAS | 12.38% |
1.71% For Utah residents, 21% of the dividends from the Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund are considered tax-exempt for state tax purposes (using the piggyback method). Additionally, 1% of the dividends are attributable to other U.S. states’ municipal bonds acquired before 1/1/2003. |
VERMONT | 0.26% |
VIRGINIA | 2.21% |
WASHINGTON | 1.94% |
WISCONSIN | 2.66% |
WYOMING | 0.01% |
Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund information by state for 2024
State | % of dividends & state-specific information |
State | % of dividends & state-specific information |
ALABAMA | 2.93% |
ALASKA | 0.25% |
ARIZONA | 3.88% |
ARKANSAS | 0.75% |
CALIFORNIA | 6.05% |
COLORADO | 5.26% |
DELAWARE | 1.55% |
FLORIDA | 7.92% |
GEORGIA | 1.17% |
GUAM | 0.67% |
IDAHO | 0.98% |
ILLINOIS | 2.86% |
2.96% For Indiana residents, 0% of the dividends from Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund are attributable to other U.S. states’ municipal bonds acquired before 1/1/2012. |
IOWA | 1.66% |
KANSAS | 0.59% |
LOUISIANA | 0.54% |
MARYLAND | 1.44% |
MICHIGAN | 0.89% |
4.34% Minnesota Residents: 100% of your federal tax-exempt dividends for this fund are subject to Minnesota Income Tax. |
MISSOURI | 1.94% |
MONTANA | 0.48% |
NEBRASKA | 0.04% |
NEVADA | 1.68% |
NEW JERSEY | 1.12% |
NEW YORK | 9.13% |
NORTH DAKOTA | 0.53% |
OHIO | 3.13% |
OKLAHOMA | 0.69% |
OREGON | 1.63% |
0.82% |
RHODE ISLAND | 0.03% |
SOUTH DAKOTA | 0.39% |
TENNESSEE | 0.69% |
TEXAS | 6.21% |
1.56% For Utah residents, 20% of the dividends from Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund are considered tax-exempt for state tax purposes (using the piggyback method). Additionally, 0% of the dividends are attributable to other U.S. states’ municipal bonds acquired before 1/1/2003. |
VIRGINIA | 2.18% |
WASHINGTON | 2.15% |
WISCONSIN | 8.93% |
WYOMING | 0.07% |
All or a portion of the dividends earned for the Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund and Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund are exempt from federal income tax. However, all or a portion of these dividends may be taxable at the state or local level. In addition, a portion of the dividends earned by the Funds is also included as a preference item for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) because of the income earned from investment in private-activity municipal bonds.
Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund | |
Thrivent Municipal Bond Fund | |
Tax-exempt dividends % | 99.85608% |
% of dividends subject to AMT | 16.04796% |
Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund | |
Thrivent High Income Municipal Bond Fund | |
Tax-exempt dividends % | 99.36096% |
% of dividends subject to AMT | 14.24100% |
Corporate shareholders may receive a deduction from gross income for ordinary income received from a mutual fund. Of the amount shown in Box 1a on Form 1099-DIV, the percentages shown for the following Funds are eligible for the corporate “dividend-received” deduction.
Fund name | Dividend Received Deduction % |
Fund name | Dividend Received Deduction % |
Thrivent Aggressive Allocation Fund | 21.6970% |
Thrivent Balanced Income Plus Fund | 15.4043% |
Thrivent Diversified Income Plus Fund | 6.8098% |
Thrivent Global Stock Fund | 17.4886% |
Thrivent High Yield Fund | 0.0146% |
Thrivent Income Fund | 0.1095% |
Thrivent International Allocation Fund | 0.0116% |
Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund | 44.8631% |
Thrivent Large Cap Value Fund | 78.4000% |
Thrivent Low Volatility Equity Fund | 22.4974% |
Thrivent Mid Cap Stock Fund | 100.00% |
Thrivent Mid Cap Value Fund | 100.00% |
Thrivent Moderate Allocation Fund | 15.3293% |
Thrivent Moderately Aggressive Allocation Fund | 18.8132% |
Thrivent Moderately Conservative Allocation Fund | 11.9863% |
Thrivent Multidimensional Income Fund | 10.8545% |
Thrivent Opportunity Income Plus Fund | 2.1906% |
Thrivent Small Cap Stock Fund | 100.00% |
Mutual fund dividends may qualify for lower income tax rates to the extent that the fund has received qualified dividend income from domestic corporations and certain foreign corporations. The following Thrivent Mutual Funds had ordinary income distributions that qualify for these lower tax rates as long as the shareholder met the holding period requirements.
Fund name | QDI % |
Thrivent Aggressive Allocation Fund | 32.2074% |
Thrivent Balanced Income Plus Fund | 21.6805% |
Thrivent Diversified Income Plus Fund | 7.8095% |
Thrivent Global Stock Fund | 36.2383% |
Thrivent High Yield Fund | 0.0146% |
Thrivent Income Fund | 0.1095% |
Thrivent International Allocation Fund | 91.8906% |
Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund | 47.0534% |
Thrivent Large Cap Value Fund | 84.4715% |
Thrivent Low Volatility Equity Fund | 39.5317% |
Thrivent Mid Cap Stock Fund | 100.00% |
Thrivent Mid Cap Value Fund | 100.00% |
Thrivent Moderate Allocation Fund | 20.0052% |
Thrivent Moderately Aggressive Allocation Fund |
29.0654% |
Thrivent Moderately Conservative Allocation Fund | 16.4875% |
Thrivent Multidimensional Income Fund | 11.0549% |
Thrivent Opportunity Income Plus Fund | 2.1933% |
Thrivent Small Cap Stock Fund | 100.00% |
Box 1b on Form 1099-DIV reports the amount of dividends that may qualify for lower tax rates. The amount shown in Box 1b assumes that the shareholder has met the 61-day holding period required for the dividends to be qualified. Each shareholder is responsible for determining whether the holding period was met and adjusting the amount accordingly. The Dec. 31 statement can be used to determine if the holding period requirement has been met. See the IRS Form 1040 Instructions for more information.
For state income tax purposes, several states allow “pass-through” treatment of mutual fund dividends derived from interest on U.S. government obligations. To calculate the number of dividends qualifying for pass-through treatment, multiply the amount in Box 1a of your Form 1099-DIV by the percentages that apply to the state.
The types of government securities that qualify for such treatment vary by state. Clients should consult with a tax professional to determine which, if any, of the obligations listed in the following table may be exempt from your state income tax.
Dividends from U.S. government obligations for 2024
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 1.84% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 4.78% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.16% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.46% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
2.47% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
0.41% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
1.14% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.14% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 4.90% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 14.61% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.10% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.29% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
1.33% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
2.66% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
10.13% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.01% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.09% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 6.04% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 20.02% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.03% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.10% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
0.61% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
4.53% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
14.66% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.04% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.02% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.03% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 6.11% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 9.25% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.07% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.05% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
7.81% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
0.64% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
0.68% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.00% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 31.31% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 41.78% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
1.30% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.89% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
3.61% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
11.81% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
23.11% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.06% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.90% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.10% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 4.69% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 1.67% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.01% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.04% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
0.15% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1.46% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.01% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 6.82% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 1.85% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.04% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.01% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
1.16% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
0.33% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
0.31% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.00% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 5.10% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 7.19% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.15% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.42% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
1.70% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1.35% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
3.44% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.13% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 2.57% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 5.07% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.17% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.47% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
1.89% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
0.66% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
1.73% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.15% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 10.56% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 13.11% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.15% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.42% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
1.62% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
2.74% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
8.04% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.01% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.13% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 33.21% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 56.19% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
1.70% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
12.55% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
34.15% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1.54% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
0.13% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.00% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
6.12% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 8.95% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 9.37% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.00% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
0.00% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1.05% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
8.30% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.02% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.00% |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
Type of government obligation | Percentage |
U.S. Treasury Bonds | 3.64% |
U.S. Government Agencies Total | 7.88% |
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation |
0.06% |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
0.00% |
Federal Farm Credit Bank |
0.18% |
Federal Home Loan Bank |
0.33% |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1.93% |
Federal National Mortgage Association |
5.29% |
Government National Mortgage Association |
0.00% |
Housing and Urban Development |
0.00% |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation |
0.00% |
Resolution Funding Corporation |
0.00% |
Student Loan Marketing Association |
0.03% |
Small Business Administration |
0.00% |
Small Business Investment Companies |
0.00% |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
0.00% |
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation |
0.06% |
IRS Form 8937 reports Thrivent Mutual Funds actions impacting the cost basis for shareholder accounts.
Exchange Traded Funds can have different tax implications. Be prepared for tax time with the following information on the Thrivent Small-Mid Cap ESG ETF.
Qualified Dividend Income
QDI %: 100%
Income Received by Corporate Shareholder
Dividend Received Deduction %: 100%
Percentage of Ordinary Mutual Fund Dividends From U.S. Government Obligations
U.S. Treasury Bonds: 8.29%
Thrivent Asset Management and its representatives cannot offer tax or accounting advice.