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Responsible investing

Focused on creating value through disciplined active management

How we invest responsibly

We believe that success in active management is achieved through utilizing all information that is material and empowering our portfolio managers to develop and implement their own processes. At Thrivent Asset Management, responsible investing defines how we act as fiduciaries, focusing on long-term value creation through disciplined active management.

Our approach

At Thrivent Asset Management, responsible investing is more than a product, it’s one of our core investment philosophy tenants. We believe that integrating specific factors, alongside financial criteria, can enhance returns and mitigate risk. Our approach is tailored to each investment team and asset class, ensuring a comprehensive and responsible strategy across all our funds.

Goals of all shapes and sizes

Our funds integrate a comprehensive array of relevant information to inform investment decisions, which may include non-financial factors alongside financial criteria to enrich analysis and decision-making.

Screened based on values

For investors focused on specific values-based criteria, we offer a model portfolio which applies screens to exclude certain industries.

Integrating stakeholder considerations

We offer a fund that applies an additional layer of rigor by using a structured framework to evaluate various financial and non-financial impacts across key stakeholder groups.

* This fund is different from traditional ETFs. Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day. This fund will not. This may create additional risks for your investment. For example:

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  • You may have to pay more money to trade the fund’s shares. This fund provides less information to traders, who tend to charge more for trades when they have less information.
  • The price you pay to buy fund shares on an exchange may not match the value of the fund’s portfolio. The same is true when you sell shares. These price differences may be greater for this fund compared to other ETFs because it provides less information to traders.
  • These additional risks may be even greater in bad or uncertain market conditions.
  • The fund publishes on its website each day a “Proxy Portfolio” designed to help trading in shares of the fund. While the Proxy Portfolio includes some of the fund’s holdings, it is not the fund’s actual portfolio.

The differences between this fund and other ETFs may also have advantages. By keeping certain information about the fund nontransparent, this fund may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its investment strategy. This may improve the fund’s performance. If other traders are able to copy or predict the fund’s investment strategy, however, this may hurt the fund’s performance.

For additional information regarding the unique attributes and risks of the fund, see the Principal Risks section of the prospectus.

Stewardship and proxy voting

In alignment with the CFA Institute’s standard definitions,1 we define stewardship as the responsible use of our influence and rights to enhance and safeguard the long-term value of our clients’ and beneficiaries’ interests. While stewardship is distinct from decision-making and investment analysis in the investment process, these areas can complement and inform each other.

Our primary means of exercising this influence is through proxy voting. Thrivent’s proxy voting process is carefully designed to prioritize our clients’ best interests, adhering to both legal and fiduciary standards. This process involves thoroughly evaluating both management and shareholder proposals according to Thrivent’s Proxy Voting Guidelines, considering a range of factors that are financially relevant to the objectives of our portfolio companies and clients. Additionally, portfolio managers and other investment professionals may engage with companies on significant issues that could impact shareholder value.

To promote transparency and accountability, we encourage you to review our proxy voting guidelines and records. For more information on our stewardship initiatives or to discuss engagement opportunities, please contact us at

1Definitions for Responsible Investment Approaches