Discover the difference active management makes in ETFs
ETFs come with a range of benefits their mutual fund counterparts can't match: lower costs, tax efficiencies, and trading flexibility. Thrivent Asset Management is expanding our actively managed ETF lineup to bring our investment expertise to clients in this powerful vehicle.
ETFs typically minimize capital gains distributions thanks to structural characteristics that reduce realized gains within the portfolio.
ETFs can be traded throughout the day, allowing you to react to changing markets and time trades as needed.
ETFs do not have sales charges and can often feature lower fees than mutual fund counterparts.
Start investing with any amount, dollar-cost average, and diversify your portfolio.
Seeks long-term growth by investing in small/mid-cap companies with sustainable business models.
Seeks high current income while preserving capital and liquidity through short-duration bond investments.
Seeks high current income and capital preservation, secondarily targeting total return and long-term growth through intermediate bonds.
* This fund is different from traditional ETFs. Traditional ETFs tell the public what assets they hold each day. This fund will not. This may create additional risks for your investment. For example:
The differences between this fund and other ETFs may also have advantages. By keeping certain information about the fund nontransparent, this fund may face less risk that other traders can predict or copy its investment strategy. This may improve the fund’s performance. If other traders are able to copy or predict the fund’s investment strategy, however, this may hurt the fund’s performance.
For additional information regarding the unique attributes and risks of the fund, see the Principal Risks section of the prospectus.