Kick off 2025 with quality [PODCAST]
What is quality investing and how does it affect client portfolios?
What is quality investing and how does it affect client portfolios?
By Chad Miller, CFA, Senior Portfolio Manager | 02/23/2023
Chad Miller, senior portfolio manager, joined host Judy Shaw on an episode of NYSE’s “What’s the Fund?” highlighting Thrivent Small-Mid Cap ESG ETF (TSME).
Shaw: I'm Judy Shaw for another episode of What's the Fund? Joining me today is Chad Miller. He is a senior portfolio manager at Thrivent Asset Management.
Chad, wonderful to have you here! Thanks for joining me.
Miller: It's great to be here, Judy. Thank you for having me.
Shaw: Before we get started, a quick note to our viewers. This interview is for informational purposes only. The NYSE doesn't recommend any investments or investment strategies.
All right, Chad, what's the fund you're talking about?
Miller: It is the Thrivent Small-Mid Cap ESG ETF, and the ticker is TSME.
Shaw: So, TSME. Tell me about this fund. Tell me about the strategy.
Miller: It's a small- and mid-cap-focused strategy that also integrates ESG into our successful fundamental strategy that we've had at Thrivent for some time now. We started with our expertise in the small- and mid-cap space where we have a number of successful funds that have been there for some time now.
We saw the opportunity to layer in three of the most attractive areas of asset management today. First, being the small- and mid-cap-sized companies that have been some of the strongest performers in the marketplace. Second, being [the addition of] our proprietary ESG process into our fundamental research process. Finally, with an ETF, [it potentially] provides lower fees and lower taxes to our clients.
Shaw: Okay. Where should viewers go to learn more about this fund?
Miller: The website is
Shaw: All right, Chad, wonderful to have you on What's the Fund? Thanks for joining me today!
Miller: Thank you very much.