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Thrivent Mutual Funds

Income Plus Funds

Income Plus Funds could be the perfect fit.

As you search for the right fund for your clients' goals, consider these funds focused on maximizing dependable income and capitalizing on potential growth.

Thrivent Balanced Income Plus Fund

This fund provides a balanced approach to income and capital appreciation. The Fund is actively managed and invests in a combination of other funds managed by the Adviser and direct investments in equity and debt instruments.

Thrivent Diversified Income Plus Fund

This fund looks to provide a steady and dependable income stream along with modest capital appreciation. It invests in higher-yielding, higher-risk, fixed income securities to generate income, and in equities to provide potential growth and income.

Thrivent Opportunity Income Plus Fund

This fund generates income by investing predominantly in a diversified mix of high-income fixed income securities. It invests primarily in higher-yielding, higher-risk, fixed income securities to generate income, while the equity holdings are generally opportunistic investments.

Talk with us

Thrivent is here to discuss our unique approach to constructing funds and how they can help meet your clients' financial goals.